2001 Archived Dates:
OCTOBER 30 BBC Radio Interview OCTOBER 29 Newcastle, Northern England TBA OCTOBER 28 Bridge Public House,
OCTOBER 26, 27 London International Poetry & Song Festival London, UK SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Kelly's Pub Jamboree. Frank Messina sits in with Tom Constanten, Merle Saunders, Buddy Cage , Johnny Markowski. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Kelly's Pub, Tappan NY ; Frank appears with Tom Constanten & The Posse with Buddy Cage, Johnny Markowski SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 SummerFest 2001 Historical Society of Rockland County 20 Zukor Rd. New City , NY SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 Kelly's Backyard Bash: Vol II, Tappan NY, Octopoet opens for Marshal Tucker Band SUNDAY, MAY 27 Kelly's Pub Backyard bash Bash, Orangeburgh Road, Tappan NY; Frank sits in with Stir Fried featuring members of the Grateful Dead, NRPS and others. THURSDAY, MAY 24 Bob Dylan's 60th Birthday Bash, Wetlands Preserve 161 Hudson St. New York City THURSDAY, MARCH 29 St. Thomas Aquinas College, Rte. 340, Sparkill, NY Student Center Pavillion signing and reception to follow SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Insomniacathon 2001 Brycc House, 11:00pm Louisville, Kentucky THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Chancellor Park Center, Philadelphia PA TUESDAY, JANUARY 30 Nuyorican Poets Cafe New York City 9:30pm, Frank & Octopoet ***FINAL SHOW*** Featuring Mark Mercier of Max Creek, Joe Gallant and Alan Lerner of Illuminati, Elliott Levin and Larry McDonald of Spoken Motion, guitarist Phil Kramer, Reg E. Gaines & DJ Mike C, back-up vocalists Susan Didrichsen, Laura Berman and Marya Lawrence. Words by Messina.
More information on European dates and upcoming book "American't Get Home" will be posted soon. Thanks for your support.